Graettinger Community Visioning Trails

Green is the existing trail and pink is the proposed trail.

Graettinger Community Visioning is pleased to announce expansion of its trails project in 2022! The committee wrote grants and secured funding from Iowa’s Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Program and from the Palo Alto County Gaming Development Corporation. Together, these two grants will bring more than $140,000 of outside funding into the Graettinger community to continue development of the walking/biking trail.

Work taking place this spring and summer will include additional segments in Evergreen and Citizens’ Parks, as well as a connecting route between the two parks. The Evergreen Park segment will travel north on Cedar Avenue and loop back by the swimming pool to reconnect with existing trail near the tennis court. The Citizens’ Park segment will pick up where the trail currently ends in Citizens’ Park and follow the tree line to the shelter house and parking area. Finally, the two parks will be connected by a segment of trail along Wilson Avenue and Patterson Street.

Graettinger Community Visioning and the City of Graettinger are pleased to bring these recreational developments to our community. The support of Graettinger’s businesses, community groups, and individuals has helped to make these visions a reality.

Follow Graettinger Community Visioning on Facebook for updates about these exciting new developments. For more information about Graettinger Community Visioning, contact Megan Helmich at (712) 859-3900 or